How to learn Spanish fast! 5 usefull tips
Every one wants to achieve his goals fast. However, if your goal is to speak Spanish fluently, you have to keep in mind that language learning isn’t a race, it’s a marathon. Nevertheless, you can increase your «pace» and learn Spanish faster than the other people do.
According to the US Foreign Service Language institute, it takes 480 hours to learn Spanish.
It means that if you study 1 hour every day, it will take you 16 months to achieve an advanced level in Spanish. However, it doesn’t mean that you will only be able to speak Spanish after those 480 hours. Of course you will speak Spanish before that time, and for sure, the method you follow to learn and your discipline will define how fast you finally learn Spanish.
The sooner you start studying Spanish, the sooner you will speak it.
Spanish is the second most spoken language (by native speakers) in the world. It isn’t a chance that the interest of learning Spanish have been increasing among the last years. Spanish language is also related to fun and the adventure of discovering amazing places. It’s imposible to untie Spanish language from Latin American and it’s nice and funny people, or from the culture, gastronomy and beautiful beaches from Spain.
However, as any other learning process, learning Spanish can be frustrating. Frustration makes any process slower and even impossible. That’s why I’m going to tell you how to learn Spanish fast.
It’s possible to learn Spanish fast.
- Keep in my why are you learning Spanish. When you focus on the reward there aren’t impossible paths. –9 Reasons why you should learn Spanish.
- Immerse yourself the language during your daily routine. Ease spontaneous contact with Spanish language. For example, if when you’re driving you listen to music in Spanish. -Check my music list and this music exercise.
- Follow a learning method focused in practice. Spanish is such a rich language and you’ve to study it wisely. I’m sure most of you want to learn Spanish to speak with people, not just because you’re grammar nerds and learning the grammar is your main objective. -How to do a succesfull online language exchage.
- implement what you learn in daily life. Avoid translations and start to surround the knowledge in a context. This is how you can learn Spanish easier and faster. –Download my toolkit to surround yourself with a proper context to learn Spanish.
- Enjoy the learning process, have fun and get excited while you’re learning. It’s proven that if you fill you learning process with emotions you learn faster.
It’s a fact that everyone in the world can learn any language. But it depends of your attitude and the methode you choose, how fast you can learn it. Let me help you to learn Spanish fast. Join my 40 days learning Spanish challenge.
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