Where is the car’s «pito»? Learn the car parts in Spanish
Hola mis amores, today I have a fun lesson for you. We will learn some new vocabulary in Spanish. Today’s topic is the car parts in Spanish.
¿Which are the car parts in Spanish?
In this Spanish lesson we will learn the most important vocabulary. Don’t exepct a mechanical engineer lesson.
First, watch this video. It’s 100% in Spanish, of course, but I speak slow and clear so you can understand.
Beside the words you just learn int he video, we will learn some others:
Además de las palabras que aprendiste en el video, vamos a aprender otras.
Rueda: when we ask about the «rueda del carro» we’re talking about the «llanta». The only difference is that literaly, «la rueda» doesn’t have to be made of rubber, as the «llanta» is. For example, you can have a luggage with «ruedas»
Pito: In some Spanish speaking countries, people call the «pito» as claxón or «bocina del carro». It refers to that instrument in the car that the driver press and make a sound to alert other drivers and people outsite the car. You’ve to be carefull with this word in Spanish. In Colombia you can use it without worrying, however in some other countries like Mexico, it can mean an other thing («dick»).
La matrícula: also known as «la placa del carro». It’s a metallic piece with an unique inscription on it. It helps to identify the vehicles.
El exosto: also known as “escape”. It’s a pipe located in the back part of the car. Through that pipe, the combustion gas are driven out.
Las direccionales: these are the little lights that we use to communicate the direction to the vehicle is going to turn.
Luces de parqueo: Lights that turn on and off and indicate that a car is parked.
Embrague del carro: it’s the same thatn the clutch. It’s the pedal located in the left side of the car accelerator.
Carro mecánico: It is a car that has a gearbox operated by the driver.
Carro automático: It is a car that has am automatique gearbox.
Ventana: it’s the glass over each car door.
Parachoque: It’s the same «defensa del carro». It is the piece that is responsible for protecting the vehicle in the event of a crash.
Spanish practice exercise
Say the name of each one of the car parts marked with a number in the image bellow. After answering the name of each part, compare you responses with the exercise answers.
Exercise answers «the car parts in Spanish»:
- Panorámico o/ parabrisas. 2. Capó. 3. Defensa o parachoques 4. Rin 5. timón o volante. 6.Espejo retrovisor. 7. Pito, bocina o claxón.
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