How to do a succesfull language exchange online
When we’re learning a new language we use to forget the most important part… to speak it.
How to speak in a second language if you don’t have someone else to practice with?
We have been used to study a language as we study math or social science and we forget the most important thing. We don’t learn a new language to answe exams. We learn a new language to being able to communicate with others. That’s why people around us is very important in our learning process. con otras personas.
Without any doubts, learning a new language need discipline and hard work. All the time we spend practicing answering language test and doing excercieses is very important. However, you’re wrong if you think it’s enough to become fluent. actually if you want to speak a language, then you need to practice SPEAKING.
To learn a new language, it doesn’t matter if it’s Spanish, French, Portuguese or any other, you need to actually speak. That’s the only way to become fluent. I’m sure you already know this, and you also wonder how can you find someone to practice Spanish, french, portuguese or any other language that you’re learning. Well, let me show you some of the best tools I’ve found to have a language exchange online.
Tech help us to have a language exchange online
Nowdays tech is a great allied to find a language exchange buddy. I’m going to share the most usefull tools to find that friend that will help you to practice any language:
- Whatsapp language exchange groups: There are some Whatsapp practicing groups that actually work. In Español con María we have a great group where we practice Spanish everyday. Whtasapp groups are a great tool to practice but there I share some advices to use them right: first, turn off the nitifications or you will become mad. try to join a specific grooup with language exchange purposes. In our Basic Spanish course you will find the link to join to the group.
- Tandem app. Some month ago I started to use it and I really liked. It’s a tool that allow you to find inmediatly a language buddy.
- Facebook Groups: I joined different facebook langugage groups. There many to practice Spanish. I have seen many post from people looking for language buddies to practice Spanish. Just write on facebook Learn + language and you will find great groups for sure.
- Mixxer: This tools introduce you to a language buddy to practice any language through Skype. It also helps you to ask for help fro writing exercises, do if you’re writing a paper in other language and need help, go there.
- Español con María’s community: When you create an account in Español con María You automatically join our online community for Spanish learnins. You can connect with other students here.
Tips to make the online language exchange work
Many people believe that finding someone to practice with is the ultimate goal. The important thing is to have a succesfull langauge exchange. Many times you simply get to «meet people» but the real conversation doesn’t bypass the greeting and thus it is very difficult to practice. -Check my 5 tips to learn Spanish fast.
Tips that will help you to have a real and successful language exchange online.
- Be very respectful: usually in this issue of language exchange, women complain because many men speak to us «to practice» but they really want to flirt. So when you are going to start meeting someone for a language exchange, avoid excess of compliments, as that becomes a bit boring and girls may block you.
- An exchange requires give to get: just as you want to practice a language, your langauge buddy wants to practice too. It is fair to take language turns so you both take advantage of the relationship.
- Agree «talking schedules»: it is very likely that your language exchange partner, live in different time zone from yours. and trust me, it is not pleasant a cellphone ringing in the middle of the night, because your partner wants to practice. It is important that you keep in mind what time is it where your friend lives and when he or she is available to talk to.
- Text first, call after: This should be obvious, but many people overlook it. Many times it happened to me that I started to receive whatsapp calls from unknown numbers. When I went to see, they were people who were in whatsapp groups in which I was also, but honestly, I had never spoken to them. If you want to text someone to practice individually, first try to create a connection in the whatsapp group, but if you are very anxious and you are going to risk it, at least first write a text message introducing yourself and asking if you he or she would like to practice with you. Do not be so abusive to make a call by whatsapp without having a prior contact.
- Music breaks the ice: something I’ve learned in this time is that those who are learning a foreign language, always appreciate a good song they did not know. Go ahead and share music, it will please your friend for sure. he will also share some good songs with you in the language you are learning. (Most of Spanish students love salsa, check my top 10 salsa songs)
It is time for you to live your language exchange online and reach the fluency in the language you are learning.